This Generation Is The Worst At Tipping

You’ve likely heard the saying that seeing how someone treats their server at a restaurant says a lot about them. Well, that sentiment doesn’t bode well for millennials. At all. did a survey of 1,000 Americans to see which age bracket tipped the best. The survey, defining millennials as people between the ages of 18 to 37, found that they on average leave a 15% tip, much less than the median of 18% the survey found that people in other generations give. Another interesting finding is that one in ten younger adults attest they don’t leave any tip at all (tsk tsk). It’s not exactly surprising that millenials are the worst tippers given that they have the least amount of discretionary money. What is interesting though, is that they are the most likely to have recently worked in a service oriented job where they were dependent on tips. Wondering what generation tips the best? That would be the “silent generation” or people born between 1925 and 1942, with 63.4% saying they tip 20% or more. The next best is Gen X with 52.8% saying they tip 20% or more. As a general rule, the Emily Post Institute says that people should consider 15% the absolute minimum that you should leave for a restaurant check, and that 18 to 20% is standard. Feature Image: Twenty20