Must Read: Why Most People Miss Their Chance To Be Wealthy, How To Host Thanksgiving On A Budget

These are the must read stories in personal finance this week.

The Festive Person’s Guide To Saving Money During Every Single Holiday This Year

As is its recent tendency, our typical spend for the holiday season has increased by 4% in 2019, leading us to a total of $1,048 by the time the beginning of 2020 rolls around. This amount doesn’t just include how much we’re spending on presents for our loved ones, but also takes into consideration what we put toward food, decorations, and other holiday treats. This doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice all of your earnings in exchange for festive fun – here’s how to make sure that you’re spending on things that are worth it. (Think Save Retire)

Money management is key to being able to build wealth. If you examine your finances and you’re not throwing your money away on anything, but you haven’t taken steps to passively grow it at the same time, there’s still an opportunity for you to be making changes with where you’re allocating funds. Starting with these simple measures will help you become wealthy long before retirement age. (Money Ning)

This Is What Millennials Can Actually Expect From Retirement, According To Experts

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again: millennials are strapped with some difficult financial setbacks that put them at a disadvantage when compared to previous generations. They’ve been delaying home ownership and having children in favor of attempting to pay off student loans and to cope with stagnant wages overall. What this means for the future and their retirement is that it, too, will look completely different from their predecessors’ later years. (Money)

How To Host “Friendsgiving” On A Budget

Thanksgiving is a time of year that brings family and friends close together, and the great thing about this holiday is that it only requires remembering how grateful you are to be with those who surround you. No matter what you’re planning for the occasion, here’s how to put together a great Friendsgiving for the day of or another day around turkey day. (US News)

If You Invested In Disney 10 Years Ago, Here’s How Much You Would Have Now

Have you been overcome with nostalgia at the release of Disney Plus? We certainly have, along with generations of people looking to relive their younger years watching old Disney movies, Marvel flicks, and (for those millennials in the audience), Disney Channel original movies (Xenon: Girl of the 21st Century, anyone?). So you could imagine that this and similar releases over the past ten years would have a positive effect on Disney’s stock, right? Here’s what you would have made if you invested $1,000 in Disney ten years ago. (CNBC)

Why Hobbies Are Not A Waste Of Time

Many people write off hobbies as “frivolous” because they don’t directly feel productive; however, studies show that hobbies lead to increased creativity and better job performance. If you’re struggling to determine what hobby suits you, all you need to do is look toward your childhood … (Thrive Global)

How Comparing Yourself To Others Is Making You Poor Financially And Emotionally

Comparison is truly a thief – looking at what others seem to have and comparing it to what you know you have can rob you of joy and peace of mind. It’s easy to compare, however, in this time of social media when others only post what’s “good” in their lives, but in truth, this concept has been alive and well for awhile now. (The Saving Scientist)

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