Must Read: These Are The Biggest Regrets Of Millionaires, Man Accidentally Throws Away $23,000

These are the must read stories in personal finance this week.

The Psychological Reason Cleaning Your Home Should Be Your Biggest Form Of Self-Care

You probably recognize the feeling: you look around your home and find twenty things “wrong” with it because there’s mess or clutter here and there. Studies have shown that cleaning actually has a big impact upon your emotions, and by ensuring that you live in a clean space, you’ll feel less stress and a greater sense of productivity. (The Financial Diet)

6 Simple Ways To Unplug At Home

While technology can be really helpful in our day to day lives, it comes at a cost (which is usually our stress levels and sleep patterns). Reconnecting with the world around us after a long day at work can be really important to finding balance. Here are some suggestions for how to “unplug” and find more enjoyment and rest. (Thrive Global)

This Chart Shows How Much Money Americans Earn At Every Age

How much would you guess full-time workers in the United States make each year? The answer is $47,216. While men and women reach the peak of their earning potential at different ages, on average, there’s a pretty standard pattern followed throughout each age group. Check out the data and see where you fall compared to the rest of the country. (CNBC)

The Five Biggest Millionaire Regrets

Maybe hearing that millionaires have regrets is laughable, but like any of us, even those who are financially well-off can rattle off a few things they would have done differently in the past. In this post, the thoughts of various millionaires have been collected (from various age groups, too) to illustrate this point and inspire you to take action for the sake of your own finances. (ESI Money)

Man Accidentally Throws Away $23,000 Into Recycling Bin

What would you do if you accidentally threw away money? What if it wasn’t just a few dollars, what if it was $23,000? Welp … it happened. Drama ensued. This is one man’s unfortunate (and panic-inducing) story. (HuffPost)

7 Amazing Things Successful People Do Over The Weekend

Time management in some way, shape, or form is a useful concept – and many of us don’t fully have a handle on it. In order to find success, a person must also need to take time to relax and recuperate from their busier days, which is why many work-stressed, successful people take their weekends to rejuvenate.  Here are some ideas for the upcoming weekend and how you can destress just in time for things to get crazy again on Monday. (The Money Mix)

A Frugal Engagement

The whole process of getting married is a stressful one — one that involves time, energy, and money. Lots of money. As a cost-conscious individual, the writer of this article discusses his thoughts on the “culturally-acceptable” way of getting married and engaged and how he and his fiancee made the decision to keep their engagement simple. (A Way To Less)

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